Joint Pain / Arthritis
Arthritis is a medical condition that causes inflammation and pain in the joints. It can affect people of all ages and can be caused by a variety of factors including genetics, injury, infection, and lifestyle factors.
The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and is caused by wear and tear on the joints over time. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks the joints.
Medicines and injections can help relieve pain and inflammation but it would be temporary. Long term dependence of medications can affect the organs.
Centerline Clinic offers comprehensive Arthirits/Joint Care Program which comprises of advanced non-surgical Pulsed Signal Therapy followed by rehabilitation. The treatment comprises mainly of the PST Therapy combined with physiotherapy pain management, lifestyle modification, muscle strengthening exercises, diet and nutrition provides a long term solution for chronic pain due to arthritis.